Thursday, April 29, 2010



I’ve been convinced to write a blog. An overview of the greater New Haven and CT Independent Music scene, as lived through the eyes of a part-time, old school scenester, with neither the time, nor money to explore the full depths of the greater CT independent music scene and it’s all-encompassing, mind-boggling excellence in so many genres – Also, due to the powers of on-line facilities, I have been afforded the ability to explore Beyond…

That is why I call this Blog; “Gone Local (& Beyond)”

I have essentially been doing this blog for the past 12 years, from my creation of the IndepenDisc Music Club in 1998. Since then I’ve listened to, seen, reviewed and enjoyed 100’s of Local New Haven and Connecticut artists as well as those throughout the country and world. 5 years ago I signed on with Cygnus Radio and have been broadcasting live on the internet, as DJ: G.Gone, hosting the “Radio IndepenDisc” show every Wednesady night from 9:00PM – Midnight. It is then made available via podcast, stream or download through the Radio Archives page of the IndepenDisc web site.

With this blog, I will be covering a vast array of music and attempt to catch you up with where we are, how we got here & where we’re going. April started off as an amazing music month and continued right through the Meriden Daffodil Festival. There are lots of local performances and CD releases to get to, as well as some thoughts and insights of some recent things….

I will also occasionally stray beyond our amazingly talented music scene, and point out something just as amazing that is coming from somewhere else, because if we’ve “Gone Local” we have to remember that: Everybody is LOCAL somewhere.

I’m G.Gone and I’ve “Gone Local” Care to join me?